Cleveland SharePoint Roundtable
SharePoint 2010 - Value of Social Computing
Presented by Bo Foster - Bennett Adelson
9/29/2011 2:00 PM
Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise 2.0, the use of “Web 2.0” technologies in an organization, is big, getting bigger, and is no place for laggards; not in today's global business arena where knowledge is power and the water cooler might be 1,000 miles away. Microsoft SharePoint provides companies with rich features for social computing and a solid foundation for Enterprise 2.0. We Will Cover the Following Topics: - The business drivers that drive adoption of social computing in the enterprise - How social computing create benefits for an organization - The tools provided by SharePoint 2010 to capture this value - The architectural considerations when planning a SharePoint social initiative - Lessons learned from the early adopters Smart companies are gleaning benefits from enterprise social computing. Many executives are reporting that their companies have gained measurable business benefits including more innovative products and services, more effective marketing, better access to knowledge, lower costs of doing business, and higher revenues. SharePoint 2010 is a business collaboration platform for the enterprise, providing rich features for Enterprise Social Computing. These features range from social networking tools (personalized My Sites), to social content technologies such as (tags, blogs, wikis, discussion forums, RSS, and more). SharePoint 2010 truly solidifies Microsoft's vision for social computing. Join us at the SharePoint Roundtable for an executive level conversation on some of the lessons learned from the early adopters and see how to navigate and effectively manage Enterprise Social Computing in your organization. As an executive, IT professional, or a business user of web technologies, this meeting will provide value on how SharePoint 2010 benefits the enterprise.
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About Cleveland SharePoint Roundtable
The SharePoint Roundtable was created as an invitation-only event. We have invited company leaders who are responsible for the successful deployment and maintenance of collaboration and portal solutions within their organizations. Through the Microsoft Solution Center at Bennett Adelson, we invite you to join us for this beneficial program. We meet on a quarterly basis and provide an open forum for business leaders, like you, to discuss the challenges that you face today. Our purpose is to assist you in finding proven solutions to satisfy your specific business needs.